Saturday, March 7, 2009

Birthdays and presents

I’m sure you have all had great presents on your birthdays. Here is one of those stories but I need to tell you 2 things before I go on...

• I’m not big on birthday celebrations. My friends in Tokyo definitely don’t know when my birthday was [or at least I thought so]. Much to my chagrin, however, they found out about it just in time from some document in my room which I was not aware of.
• I have played pranks on them so many times and they were eager to get back at me. These guys know their “monkey business” really well.

So here is the story: I came back from work, I was having my dinner and all of them were around the kitchen learning Kanjis.. they were making mnemonics and funny gestures and sounds to remember them.. one of my roommates goes into his room and brings a bag and suddenly they were all singing.. I was surprised sure.. but more than that I was mortified.. Look at this bag you would know for yourself..

A pink bag? All the images of all the pranks I played on them flipped through my mind in 2 seconds.. they wanted me to, obviously, open it.. I was thinking nooo.. But I decided not to be a party pooper.. and put my hand in the bag and drew the first object [please look at this].

It is a 2lb friggin, shapeless tomato.. see it occupy half my computer. Never imagined it could have made for a present.. How creative is that? It was painfully funny..

- a paper airplane. I don’t remember when I last needed one of them.

- a miniature ping-pong set. I know I ‘m Japan.. miniature is an art alright .. but com’on now, what in the God’s name should I do with them? The paddles’ diameter would be that of a dunkin donut’s..

- lot of snacks etc..,

- There was a plastic table sheet (don’t know what it is called). I have no idea what they were thinking but it was hilareoius.. What would a bachelor do with a picnic plastic table sheet?

My post wont be truthful if I didn't mention about 2 special things..

1. A porn movie, titled “Immoral” .. look at the image [parental advisory]

Now dont ask me questions.. You can imagine what ever you want..

2. Barbie doll. Again I have no idea what they were thinking.. but apparently they bought the porn movie and the doll from the same place.. can you imagine someone carrying the two to the counter.. but somehow they managed to not draw attention..

We laughed our asses off.. the miniature ping-pong set was the best used .. I for sure didnt think we could play ping pong with them.. but we figured out how to play miniature ping-pong.. and it was a lot of fun.. we were up until 2 in the morning playing with the ridiculously small paddles which required a lot of skill..

Silly they may seem but I think they were the best presents I’ve ever received.. I had a great day and the goal of giving presents was more than achieved.. Thanks guys!